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Who We Are


Grade Level

Proficiency Project

Catch Our Kids Before They

Fall ! 


Media Overview

Marian Rasmussen:

I taught math for 35 years, working with English language learners, special needs students, students not at grade level, and students disillusioned with school. I believe that we start where the problem begins which is at the K-5 schools. This chance to change attitudes and get students to perform at grade level is my passion. I truly believe every child can learn. To have this opportunity to take action about what I believe- is truly exciting! 

Terry Roberts

In the 27 years I was a teacher, both in language arts and technology, the need for individualized instruction in the classroom became more and more apparent. A one-size fits all approach does not work when you have 30 kids in a class with grade level abilities ranging from 1st through 6th or beyond. Additionally, most of our students are not proficient in their use of technology. I’m so excited to be a part of a program that will individualize instruction using technology - as well as provide one-to-one and small-group instruction.

Blended Learning Model

  • GLPP provides personalized, individually paced learning for every student. 

  • GLPP uses technology to engage students and provide a rigorous and challenging curriculum.

  • GLPP accommodates all levels of learning.

  • GLPP provides teacher and student onsite support.

  • GLPP provides training for teachers in use of technology and how to use progress reporting, real-time data to direct their instruction.

  • GLPP provides a comprehensive resource math and English Language Arts website for teachers and tutors to refer to for instructional support.

More Information About GLPP

Three Minute Overview of GLPP

What We Do

What are people saying about GLPP?

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